Cheetu Hunter X Hunter Inspired Workout Routine Review


Inspiration from Cheetu

I recently discovered the anime Hunter X Hunter and was fascinated by the character Cheetu’s abilities. As someone who has always been interested in improving my speed and strength, I decided to create a workout routine inspired by his training methods.

Workout Routine Overview

The Cheetu-inspired workout routine consists of three full-body hybrid training days, one Squadron Leader circuit test day, one Speedster endurance workday, and two rest days. The routine aims to improve speed, strength, and endurance by focusing on exercises that promote muscle growth and cardiovascular endurance.

Workout Routine Details

Full-Body Hybrid Training Days

On the full-body hybrid training days, I perform exercises that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously. I start with warm-up exercises and then move on to exercises such as incline dumbbell bench press, chin-ups, leg press, and barbell shrugs.

Squadron Leader Circuit Test Day

The Squadron Leader circuit test day is a high-intensity workout that requires me to complete multiple circuits in a short amount of time. The circuits consist of exercises such as sit-ups, burpees, and kettlebell swings.

Speedster Endurance Workday

On the Speedster endurance workday, I focus on exercises that improve cardiovascular endurance. I usually go for a run or bike ride and perform exercises such as jumping jacks, mountain climbers, and squat jumps.

Nutrition and Diet

To maximize my results, I also focus on nutrition and diet. I make sure to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. I also drink plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Overall, the Cheetu-inspired workout routine has helped me improve my speed, strength, and endurance. It’s a challenging but rewarding routine that has allowed me to push myself to new heights and achieve my fitness goals.

Cheetu-inspired Workout Routine Review

As someone who is a fan of both anime and fitness, I was excited to try out the Cheetu-inspired workout routine from Superhero Jacked. The routine aims to improve speed, strength, and endurance while focusing on creating a slender physique, which matches the physical characteristics of the character Cheetu from Hunter X Hunter.

Full-body Hybrid Training Days

The routine consists of three full-body hybrid training days that incorporate exercises for both upper and lower body. Each day has a different focus, with Day 1 being upper body, Day 2 being lower body, and Day 3 being full body.

Day 1: Upper Body

Day 1 includes exercises such as incline dumbbell bench press, chin-ups, and barbell shrugs to target the chest, back, and shoulders. I found the exercises to be challenging but doable, with the incline dumbbell bench press being my personal favorite.

Day 2: Lower Body

Day 2 focuses on exercises such as leg press, calf raises, and hip thrusts to target the legs and glutes. I appreciated the emphasis on lower body exercises, as they tend to be neglected in many workout routines.

Day 3: Full Body

Day 3 incorporates exercises from both Day 1 and Day 2 while adding in core exercises such as sit-ups and Russian twists. This day provided a good balance of upper and lower body exercises and was a great way to end the week.

Exercise Examples

Other exercises included in the routine are weighted lunges, bicep curls, and tricep dips. The inclusion of a variety of exercises helped prevent boredom and worked different parts of the body.

Overall, I found the Cheetu-inspired workout routine to be challenging but rewarding. The addition of rest days and a Squadron Leader circuit test day helped to prevent burnout and provided opportunities for self-assessment. The article also includes a section on nutrition and dieting for optimal results, making it a well-rounded fitness resource.

Cheetu-inspired Workout Routine Review

As someone who loves anime and fitness, I was excited to try out the workout routine inspired by Cheetu from Hunter X Hunter. The routine is focused on enhancing speed, strength, and endurance, which aligns perfectly with my fitness goals. Here’s my review of the workout routine and its effectiveness.

Squadron Leader Circuit Test Day

This is the most challenging day of the workout routine. The goal is to complete a series of exercises within a specific time frame, similar to military training. The test helps to improve endurance, speed, and mental toughness.

Overview of the Test

The circuit includes exercises such as push-ups, burpees, jump rope, and mountain climbers. The routine is repeated three times with a two-minute break between each session. The goal is to complete the circuit within 12 minutes or less.

Sample Circuit

The circuit can be customized based on personal fitness levels, but here’s what I did:

  • 30 push-ups
  • 30 burpees
  • 100 jump rope skips
  • 30 mountain climbers

Tips for Success

It’s crucial to pace yourself during the circuit test, as it can be easy to burn out quickly. During the exercises, focus on proper form and breathing. Additionally, hydrate adequately before and after the test to prevent fatigue and cramping.

Overall, the Squadron Leader Circuit Test Day was a challenging but rewarding experience. It helped me improve my endurance and mental toughness, which is essential for any fitness routine. I would highly recommend trying out this workout routine for anyone looking to enhance their speed, strength, and endurance.

Cheetu-Inspired Workout Routine Review

As someone who is always looking to improve my fitness, I was intrigued by the Cheetu-inspired workout routine. I was drawn to this routine because it focuses on improving speed, strength, and endurance, all of which are important aspects of being physically fit and healthy. After trying out the routine for a few weeks, I can confidently say that it has helped me to take my fitness to the next level.

Speedster Endurance Workday

The Speedster Endurance Workday was a really challenging but rewarding part of this routine. The focus is on improving cardiovascular endurance through a series of exercises that get the heart rate up and keep it there.

Cardiovascular Exercises

The Cardiovascular Exercises included in this workday were intense but really effective at improving my endurance. Exercises like jump rope, burpees, and running intervals were all part of this section.

Endurance-focused Weight Training

The Endurance-focused Weight Training section of the Speedster Endurance Workday was a unique take on weight training that I hadn’t tried before. The idea is to perform each exercise for a high number of reps, with a lower weight, in order to improve endurance and stamina.

Sample Workouts

Some sample workouts for this Speedster Endurance Workday include a circuit of exercises like jump rope, kettlebell swings, and sprinting, as well as a series of weight training exercises like the lateral raise, leg extension, and chest fly.

Overall, the Speedster Endurance Workday was particularly challenging for me, but I can already see the benefits. My endurance has improved significantly, and I feel much more capable when performing other exercises.

Rest Days

As crucial as the workout days are, I cannot express enough how important rest days are for one’s overall health and fitness journey. These days, I focus more on light stretching and active recovery techniques to allow my muscles to recover and prevent any injuries.

Importance of Rest

Rest days are essential to avoid overexertion and fatigue, which can lead to injuries and even put me off my workouts for an extended period. It’s important to note that rest days are different from “cheat days,” which is a day when one can indulge in a bit of comfort food. On the contrary, rest days mean taking a complete break from the workout routine to allow the body to recharge and heal.

Active Recovery Techniques

On rest days, I focus on low-intensity exercises targeting mobility, flexibility, and recovery through foam rolling, stretching, and massages. These activities help increase blood flow to the muscles, easing soreness and stiffness. I also use my Jaxjox Vibrating Foam Roller to loosen up any tight spots, and my WODFitters Resistance Bands to assist with my stretches.


I noted that following this workout routine strictly would be incomplete without proper nutrition. I aim to consume a healthy balance of proteins, carbs, and fats to fuel my workouts and aid in muscle recovery. I also incorporated green smoothies into my diet as a quick and easy way to get my essential vitamins and minerals in a single serving.

In conclusion, rest days are essential to allow muscles to recover and prevent injury. Incorporating active recovery techniques and proper nutrition aids in muscle recovery and ensures optimum health and fitness results.

Cheetu-inspired Workout Routine Review

Nutrition and Dieting

As I embarked on the Cheetu-inspired workout routine, I knew that nutrition would play a vital role in achieving optimal fitness levels. The article emphasized the importance of diet in fitness, and I made sure to follow the recommended foods and sample meal plan.

Importance of Diet in Fitness

The article stressed the need for a well-rounded diet to fuel the workouts and help the body recover faster. It also highlighted the role of macronutrients, with a focus on proteins for muscle building and carbohydrates for energy.

Recommended Foods

Following the recommendations, I incorporated plenty of lean proteins such as chicken breast, fish, and eggs, along with complex carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, and quinoa. I also added a variety of fruits and vegetables for vitamins and minerals.

Sample Meal Plan

The article provided a sample meal plan that served as a guide for my meals. For breakfast, I had oatmeal with berries, almond butter, and a protein shake. For lunch, I had grilled chicken with brown rice and mixed vegetables. For dinner, I had grilled salmon with roasted sweet potatoes and green beans. I also incorporated healthy snacks such as Greek yogurt, nuts, and fruits throughout the day.

Following the nutrition recommendations complemented the Cheetu-inspired workout routine, and I noticed significant progress in my speed, strength, and endurance levels.

Cheetu-inspired Workout Routine Review

As someone who loves anime and fitness, I was excited to try out the Cheetu-inspired workout routine. The routine consists of three full-body hybrid training days, one Squadron Leader circuit test day, one Speedster endurance workday, and two rest days. It’s designed to improve speed, strength, and endurance, which are key traits of the character Cheetu from the anime Hunter X Hunter.

Progress Tracking

Measuring Speed, Strength, and Endurance

One of the most important things that I learned from this workout routine is the importance of tracking progress. To see the results of my hard work, I needed to measure my speed, strength, and endurance. This allowed me to see my progress and make adjustments to the routine that would help me reach my goals faster.

Importance of Tracking Progress

Tracking progress is crucial because it helps you stay motivated and stay on track with your goals. When you can see that you’re getting stronger or faster, it gives you a sense of accomplishment and helps you stay focused on your fitness journey.

Tools for Tracking

To track my progress, I used a combination of apps and old-fashioned pen and paper. For tracking speed, I used a running app that measured my distance and time. For strength, I recorded my weights and reps in a workout journal. And for endurance, I monitored my heart rate with a fitness tracker.

Overall, I found the Cheetu-inspired workout routine to be challenging but rewarding. By focusing on speed, strength, and endurance, I was able to see improvements in my fitness level and achieve my goals. And by tracking my progress along the way, I stayed motivated and on track with my fitness journey.

Cheetu-inspired Workout Routine Review


As a fan of the anime Hunter X Hunter, I was excited to try the Cheetu-inspired workout routine. The routine focuses on improving speed, strength, and endurance, which are all important aspects of being a superhero.

The Routine

The routine includes three full-body hybrid training days, one Squadron Leader circuit test day, one Speedster endurance workday, and two rest days. The hybrid training days were challenging but rewarding, as I could feel myself getting stronger after each workout. The Squadron Leader circuit test day was intense, but it was helpful to see how much progress I had made. The Speedster endurance workday incorporated running and other cardio exercises, which were a welcome addition to the routine.

The Exercises

The workouts included a variety of exercises to target different muscle groups, such as incline dumbbell bench press, chin-ups, leg press, sit-ups, and barbell shrugs. While some exercises were difficult at first, I found that I quickly improved with consistent practice.

Nutrition and Dieting

The article also includes a section on nutrition and dieting for optimal results. I found this section to be very helpful, as proper nutrition is essential for achieving fitness goals.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Overall, I would highly recommend the Cheetu-inspired workout routine to anyone looking to improve their speed, strength, and endurance. While the routine is challenging, the results are worth the effort. I feel more confident in my abilities as a superhero, and I look forward to continuing this workout routine in the future.